Stefania Druga
Hi! I am Stefania. I am currently a second year Ph.D. student 🎓 at the University of Washington Information School, co-advised by Prof. Amy J. Ko in the Code & Cognition Lab and Prof. Benjamin Mako Hill in the Community Data Science Collective. My research focuses on AI Literacy 📚 and the design of new computing platforms for children and parents. I also enjoy designing and building future smart toys 🤖 and games. When I am not coding & writing papers 👩🏽‍💻 I love hiking, climbing and riding my 🚲.
I am a Weizenbaum Research Fellow and awardee of the Jacobs Foundation Grant. I was previously a LEGO Papert Fellow during my time as a master student at MIT researching with Prof. Mitch Resnick and the Scratch team.
For more information, please reach out to me! Or have a look at my projects, papers, or resume.
selected publications
- IDC 2021How do children’s perceptions of machine intelligence change when training and coding smart programs?Interaction Design for Children ACM 2021
- CLS 2021