Stefania Druga

Hi! I am Stefania. I am currently a second year Ph.D. student 🎓 at the University of Washington Information School, co-advised by Prof. Amy J. Ko in the Code & Cognition Lab and Prof. Benjamin Mako Hill in the Community Data Science Collective. My research focuses on AI Literacy 📚 and the design of new computing platforms for children and parents. I also enjoy designing and building future smart toys 🤖 and games. When I am not coding & writing papers 👩🏽‍💻 I love hiking, climbing and riding my 🚲.

I am a Weizenbaum Research Fellow and awardee of the Jacobs Foundation Grant. I was previously a LEGO Papert Fellow during my time as a master student at MIT researching with Prof. Mitch Resnick and the Scratch team.

For more information, please reach out to me! Or have a look at my projects, papers, or resume.

selected publications

  1. IDC 2021
    How do children’s perceptions of machine intelligence change when training and coding smart programs?
    Druga, Stefania, and Ko, Amy J.
    Interaction Design for Children ACM 2021
  2. CLS 2021
    Imagining Future Designs of Tools for Youth Data Literacies
    Cheng, Regina, Druga, Stefania, Gan, Emilia, D’Ignazio, Catherine, Bhargava, Rahul, Lee, Victor, Matuk, Camillia, Clegg, Tamara, Rubin, Andee, and Kafai, Yasmin
    Connected Learning Summit 2021